Duncan Rogers

Project specialist: Distribution, Fuel, Logistics

Duncan has expertise ranging from the purchase of heavy oils for Tar-boilers through to Fuelcards for vehicle fleets.

Ongoing volatility in fuel pricing makes it difficult for organisations to obtain consistent best value in fuel purchases. In addition to achieving substantial savings, Duncan’s approach means that the client obtains a clear understanding of how their prices relate to the wider fuel markets. Monthly monitoring of purchasing behaviour and compliance with company policies ensures best value is maintained and sustained.

Experience with fuel has led to successful cost saving projects for industrial and heating fuels (eg gasoil, red-diesel, kerosene, bunker fuels, burning-oil, boiler fuels etc). Heating oil projects have included examination of the potential cost savings through using recyclables and low carbon alternatives. Duncan can also look at other carbon related subjects such as off-setting and minimising exposure to CRC liabilities.

Duncan has also built up a track record of developing innovative solutions with substantial cost savings to meet clients’ logistics requirements.

A recent example of his work includes a complete review of the distribution and product returns for a UK based consumer goods manufacturer. The project included both UK and International supply chains, as well as the costs of fuel and tyres for the client’s own fleet, achieving savings up to 20%.

Duncan was also a member of the ERA Group Team shortlisted for the European Supply Chain Awards for Excellence, for the project undertaken on Supply Logistics for Flybe. Richard Young, Procurement Director at Flybe said of ERA Group “Whilst they delivered for us financially, their contribution to re-engineering our processes and procedures is what will remain with us for the long term.”

Category expertise in:

  • Transport Bulk Fuel Oils (including Diesel, Petrol, Rail, Marine and Aviation Fuels)
  • Fuelcards
  • Heating Oils
  • Plant and Process Fuels (including Gasoil, MFO, PFO, Kerosene)
  • International Supply Chain
  • UK Freight and Distribution

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