Published Wednesday 13th January 2021

Businesses must continue to adapt as more effective ways of operating emerge. More than ever, the past year has shown just how essential it is for businesses to embrace the ability to change. Along with these fundamental shifts in the business landscape, there comes changes in leadership.

The next decade will likely see a new kind of leader that adopts new mindsets and develops skills to enact more effective leadership.

Adopting a New Mindset

One of the major changes in leadership over the next ten years will be the adoption of a new mindset and outlook.

Author Jacob Morgan has devised four key mindsets that future leaders must embrace for success. He outlines them as follows.

Global Citizen

A mindset that takes advantage of an increasingly connected world and appreciates diversity. Being a leader that is also a ‘global citizen’ means investing in diverse teams with different backgrounds who have the vital knowledge needed for success in global markets.


A mindset that focuses on serving the team, the customers, the other leaders, and yourself. Leaders should no longer remain shrouded at the top but should instead practice humility and prioritise service.


Here, the ethos focuses on balancing the two key ‘ingredients’ of good business: humanity and technology. This means wholeheartedly embracing new technological advancements while also cultivating a culture for your employees that centres around mutual collaboration and care.


2020 has already shown us the value of embracing the unknown and finding ways for it to benefit you. Upcoming leaders should welcome new ideas and explore different avenues. A yearning for knowledge and curiosity is at the forefront of this mindset.

Honing New Skills

Leadership changes will be evident in the adoption of new mindsets but will also manifest in the emerging skills that will become more important for the coming decade.

Individual Appreciation

Future leaders must get better at appreciating individuals that make up their teams. Employees should be viewed as valuable individuals with different skill sets that can be utilised rather than just workers with assignments. To lead teams effectively, leaders must motivate and inspire on an individual level.

Preparing for the Future

No one can predict exactly what the future will bring, but the development of skills in future planning and thinking about all new possibilities will be essential for leaders. The futurist is aware of upcoming trends and embraces a constantly changing industry, ensuring that their organisation is prepared for a multitude of eventualities.

Leveraging Technological Innovation

The tech-savvy leader is one of the most successful ones. Leaders should be aware of the latest technology and where it can be implemented throughout an organisation. Not being afraid to push the boundaries in technological innovation and digital fluency will be essential for leaders of the future.


Leaders should be no stranger to good communication skills, but the next decade will see a further perfection of these skills. Communication will be about connecting with people and delivering the best messages. Both verbal and non-verbal skills will be key.

Like all areas of business, the leadership role will undergo significant changes over the next decade. Leaders must embrace these essential mindsets and skills if they hope to lead successfully.

Here at Expense Reduction Analysts, we support business leaders with a range of cost reduction services, including waste expense management. To find out how we could help your organisation, get in touch with our expert team today.