We have just finished our latest version of Market Intelligence, our quarterly publication giving you insight and market analysis to achieve better value from suppliers.

In this issue, you can take a look at how we’ve supported Sue Ryder recently; we’re currently tracking more than £2million of expenditure at an average saving of 23%.

We also look into the potential effects of Brexit in a number of areas: our Banking & Payments team assess what leaving the EU may mean for card payment levies and our new Staffing specialist analyses the temporary labour market. We look at post Brexit IT price rises – and how to deal with them. There is also a news update from our Communications team, advice on hedging in the Fuel market, an examination of your exhibition budget from the Events team and our Distribution specialists focus their attention on the DX service.

We’ve also got a follow up to our Modern Day Slavery Act article; an update on how organisations are positioning their own statements with regard to their supply chain. There’s some great advice on how to make the most revenue from your scrap metal from our Waste specialist, and finally – and importantly – help from our Property specialist about how to act quickly for best results in the ‘Check, Challenge, Appeal’, window following the publication of the Draft Rating list and ahead of April’s publication of the Final list.