Procurement and Cost Saving Solutions for Information Technology

Improve your IT Purchasing Decisions

The widespread adoption of Information Technology (or IT for short) has made a significant difference to many of our clients. It has allowed them to operate faster and more efficiently, to react more quickly to business challenges and to understand the trends in their business and the wider market, so that they are better equipped to take advantage of business opportunities. However, whilst there is a lot of upside, there is also some downside, as IT is expensive, pervasive and often shrouded in jargon, which throws up a ‘technical wall’ between those who understand IT and those who worry about the costs to the business.

The Best Methods for Purchasing more Effectively

Because of the downside, we have identified a need for a range of services to assist our clients with the purchase and management of their goods and services in the IT category. Whilst we are able to provide our widely-adopted cost reduction services in many cases, we also enable smarter purchasing decisions, by providing assistance to our clients looking to make investments in IT, in whatever capacity that assistance is needed.

Download our essential guide today to discover how you can improve your IT purchasing decisions. We also explore the top 5 specific areas you can focus on to gain a competitive advantage.

Download our essential guide today

Our expert guide provides a detailed summary of the most crucial aspects of the IT procurement process, providing practical details of where you can focus to give yourself a competitive advantage.

Essential Procurement and Cost Saving Solutions for Information Technology
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"IT supply arrangements can be complex, expensive and bewildering. Problems in understanding them intensify when the number of suppliers is large and each one has their own cost structure and contractual arrangements. This not only makes comparisons difficult, but also increases the level of interpretation required before any analysis can occur."

If you or your IT department experience any of the following, our essential guide will be of tremendous use to you:

  • IT costs seem to increase despite attempts to reduce them
  • Support and maintenance charges increase annually
  • There is a need to reduce budgets
  • IT is perceived as too big a cost in your organisation
  • You have too many suppliers for IT products and/or services
  • The level of IT detail and/or specialisation is unfamiliar
  • You aren’t sure if your IT supply chain is properly set up and under control
  • There is little procurement experience in IT throughout your organisation
  • You’re struggling with a specific area of IT
  • You feel an independent opinion would help with a current or planned initiative
  • You want to ensure best practice in running a formal procurement but do not have sufficient skills, personnel or time
  • It’s important to go out to test the market, but you have other priorities at the present time
  • You want to understand your IT costs better and in more depth
  • It would be good to know where your spend fits, relative to market prices
  • Total cost of ownership of IT assets would be useful for the business

The 5 Key Methods for Optimising your IT Procurement Decisions

To find out more about how ERA Group can help your organisation, contact us today.

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