bioquell case study


Healthcare and Social Services

Print and Copier Focus

After meeting with ERA Group specialist, Keith Copestake, Bioquell PLC were keen to harness the value that an external third-party could bring to the business.

Following the success of an initial project focusing on its Print and Copier contracts, Bioquell went on to work with ERA in a number of areas.

Three years on, ERA continue to deliver cost centre specific savings and efficiencies across the board, supporting Bioquell in its mission to be a market leader.

To find out more about how ERA helped Bioquell, including results, savings and more details from the client, download the full case study now.

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“During the project, it became apparent that there was a live rental contract that had not been cancelled even though the MFD concerned had been collected by the previous supplier. We were delighted that Andy secured a refund.”

Georgina Pope, Finance Director, Bioquell UK Ltd.

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