City of Birmingham symphony orchestra case study

Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

Not For Profit

Office Supplies and Print Focus

CBSO is dependent upon funding and sponsorship and for this reason it is deemed particularly important that expenditure be tightly controlled wherever possible.

Alistair Scott, Director of Finance for CBSO comments, “I knew that any additions to the bottom line achieved through a profit improvement exercise could be used to fund artistic projects and I was particularly attracted to ERA Group’s proposition due to its self-funding, risk-free nature.

Iain explained that because ERA Group operated on a no-profits, no-fee basis, CBSO would incur no cost if he and his colleagues were unable to identify savings.”

To find out more about how ERA helped The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, including results, savings and more details from the client, download the full case study now.

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“Having seen the savings ERA Group could achieve on Office Supplies and Print, I was happy to open up more areas to review.”

Alistair Scott, Director of Finance

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